Boronia Road Uniting Church


We meet each Sunday between 10am and 11:30am

About us

We are a welcoming, inclusive community based on the need to share our faith and support each other in our faith journey. We provide loving practical support particularly in time of need.

Morning tea is served at the conclusion of our Sunday services. This social gathering after the service enables people to catch up with what has been happening in the lives of our church community. Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month.

Our Sunday morning children’s ministry is held as part of our worship service with the children continuing their worship with craft activities.

Culture of Safety. Boronia Road follows all the requirements, both legal and from Synod, to being a Safe Church.  We have steadfastly worked to ensure all Church Council members, elders, appointed leaders, employees and volunteers have completed the required Safe Church Training and have current Working With Children Checks.


Ministry & Worship


We value and utilise the many gifts and skills that our members bring to our community. Together we prepare worship, provide pastoral care and nurture each other in faith. There is a strong sense of belonging.

Pastoral care of the members and acceptance and tolerance of all ages lies at the heart of the life of our congregation. The congregation is committed to a continuance of fellowship and encouragement, supporting and nurturing each other in faith, love and discipleship.

Features of our congregational life include a strong commitment to social justice and care of the wider community. Our ecumenical contacts include being a member of the local World Day of Prayer community. We aim to be vigilant in our contact with people who have special needs and who are often missed by other organisations. Pastoral ministry to retirement villages is an integral part of our outreach.

We have a prayer chain, a fine music heritage and an excellent banner collection. Our church building, grounds and memorial garden are well-maintained and equipped.


Community Outreach

Emergency Food Relief. We provide friendship, a listening ear, and food parcels of non-perishable goods for those who live in the Knox area. Our opening hours are Tuesday and Friday from 10am – 12 noon. Congregational members keep the pantry well stocked by donating grocery items each Sunday as part of their weekly offering.

A Music Together program is held each Friday during school terms from 9.30am – 10.15am. This is a music therapy program for pre-school children and their parents and caregivers.  It aims to enhance family relationships and communication through music, instrument play, drama, dance and relaxation.  Tea and coffee is served after the session and enables parents/caregivers to get to know, and support, each other.

We meet for Café Coffee from 10am each Wednesday morning at the Mountain Village Coffee Lounge, Shop 16, 163 Boronia Road, Boronia. Come when you can and stay as long as you like. Everyone is welcome

Recycled Teenagers is an adult group which meets monthly for lunch and fellowship at a local hotel. For further details please contact us via the details on this website.

Our Craft Group meet each Friday from 11am at the church and is open to the wider community including those from other denominations. Those attending bring their own craft project and lunch. We enjoy each other’s company as we work on projects such as knitting, sewing, cross stitch, embroidery, patchwork, etc.  Anyone is welcome to drop in for a chat and a cuppa.

We have a Little Free Library situated in the foyer of our building and it is available any time the church buildings are open. There is a large collection of fiction, biographies, sci-fi, who-done-its, children’s books and DVDs. Take a book and either bring it back when you are finished (keep it for as long as you like) or leave another in its place. We aren’t fussed! Just enjoy.

Just Grace Chinese Christian Church meets in our building each Sunday from 2-5pm.

Rooms for hire. Rooms within our building are available for hire to community groups, as well as for private functions, at reasonable hiring rates.


Upcoming Event



Saturday, 9 November from 10am - 2pm

at 209 Boronia Road, Boronia

Stalls are inside or under cover

Contact Irene on 0421 769 067 for further details

Get in touch

Call us: 0414 603 055 and leave your contact details

Email us:

Visit us: 209 Boronia Road, Boronia, Victoria

Find us

We are located at 209 Boronia Road, Boronia